Ventilation testing is a very important issue. At the same time, testing, balancing and adjustment must always be carried out at periodic intervals for completed productions and facilities. In addition, energy consumption should be minimized.
Air Velocity (Flow) Measurement Air velocities in the ducts are measured by averaging with flow measurement probes. Sensors placed in the air duct from the top and from the side in a + shape allow the average air speed to be determined by scanning the entire cross-section by connecting their outputs in parallel.
We need to keep up with technology that develops and changes every day. Especially those who will work in a technical department need to be much more sensitive about this issue. You are stepping into the profession of central ventilation and air conditioning systems, which has an important place in human life and is open to development in our age.
At the same time, in applications based on knowledge and more skills in the field of air conditioning, adjustment, testing and balancing operations are carried out in central ventilation and air conditioning systems.
Testing, balancing, adjustment and commissioning operations are also of great importance throughout the inspection and testing process to check whether these issues, which are discussed in detail during the project phase, are realized as a result of the implementation of the system.
In ventilation installation systems, one of the prerequisites is to easily provide the desired comfort conditions with minimum operating costs and minimum energy. In order to provide the required air speed for ventilation systems, fans that can easily meet the flow rate, air and pressure can be preferred.
Measuring the required air speed is done with the help of various devices. Before measuring speed and flow in air ducts, some rules must be observed. The distributor air duct system is quickly checked in accessible and possible places and the air flow rate is adjusted. Air measurement and flow adjustment:
In each main air duct, velocity measurement is made from the section closest to the last part of the straight duct and from the air flow direction of the straight part.
The measurement is made using a calibrated velometer or anemometer, pitot tube.
By taking the average of the measurements performed, the flow rate of the air passing according to the duct cross-section is found.
If atmospheric pressure conditions and temperature are much different from standard conditions, it must be multiplied by the correction number.
If the air coming into the duct system is more than necessary, the desired air flow rate can be easily obtained by reducing the outlet damper fan speed or by throttling the outlet damper.
According to the velocity measurements on the arms, the column valves are also adjusted to provide the desired arm air flow rates.
In the system, while the volume dampers and all flaps are fully open, the blowing, suction and exhaust fans are running, the return and fresh air rate is adjusted by the dampers. Different types of velometers and anemometers are also used to measure duct air velocity.
Various pitot tubes and type manometers are used together to measure the pressure in the ventilation ducts. You can also instantly measure the temperature and velocity values of the duct air using advanced manometers.
Periodic control of air conditioning and ventilation installations is carried out by the expert teams in our team. In this context, the parts that provide air flow must first be inspected. It is also checked for missing or damaged parts.
At the same time, ventilation ducts are checked. The status of the fans in the installation is determined. If there is an air filter, it is checked. If there is an air filter and pipes that provide air flow, they are cleaned. The control is completed by measuring the cleanliness and speed of the air.
Reports of employees authorized by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security carried out within the scope of periodic control are also considered valid. ERF Laboratory; It provides authorized service by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security regarding periodic control with its technical facilities, expert staff and quality service approach.
It is also necessary to install the ventilation system appropriately in order to easily meet the air requirement in the working environment, to properly dispose of the polluted or polluted air with clean air, and to ensure the temperature, humidity and appropriate air flow in the environment in accordance with thermal comfort conditions.
Ventilation systems in working environments are designed in accordance with the "Regulation on Health and Safety Conditions in the Use of Work Equipment".
In the Periodic Control, Annex-III Maintenance-related section of the Regulation on Health and Safety Conditions for the Use of Work Equipment, "Periodic inspections and controls of work equipment whose periodic inspection criteria and range are not otherwise stated in the standards are carried out in accordance with the criteria and range specified by the manufacturer, if any." .” According to the principle stated in the statement, periodic checks should be carried out at regular intervals in the working environment.
Technically speaking, in order to talk about the quality of the air in the room, we first need to look at the CO2 and oxygen levels. Recommended rate; It can be defined as a maximum of approximately 1 liter of CO2 in 1000 liters of air, or 1000 million (ppm).
The CO2 concentration in the room we are in exceeds this limit over time, and when it remains for a long time, it causes problems such as concentration problems and headaches in the people there.
In order to create a healthy working environment, first of all, there must be a healthy air quality by natural means with high hygiene quality. The primary goal is to ventilate in a controlled manner, reduce energy consumption and increase comfort in meeting rooms and offices. The air conditions in the room only provide thermal comfort conditions when chemical, physical and biological limit values are controlled.
For a medium-sized office area, the environment needs to be ventilated approximately 3-8 times a day. The hourly need for fresh air per person varies depending on the intended use of the environment. However, it is generally recommended that the air amount per person in office and office environments is 30 m3/h.
The air flow rate and air speed in the ventilation duct depend on the intended use of the duct, the type of building and the noise level. It should never be forgotten that the appropriate speed must be selected according to the intended use of the air in the facility.
Excessive airflow speed also causes noise in the ducts. Because the air speed is related to the power of the system fan, the fan load and flow rate must also be increased as the air speed increases.