Radial and axial fans are vital technology products. They require professional installation by being selected according to the purpose and location of use. Radial fans are generally used in commercial areas.

As high-performance and metal-bodied systems, elevators can be used safely in industrial areas. Axial fans are used in sensitive areas such as dusty areas and cooling towers.

Differences Between Radial Fan and Axial Fan

Technology products known as radial fans and axial fans are used in places requiring ventilation. When the place of use and the fan feature are selected appropriately for the purpose, the expected efficiency can be obtained. Otherwise, vital and sanitary problems may occur. There are types of radial fans called pull fans and push fans.

Extraction fans work by sucking in air from behind the fan.

Push fans work by pushing the air in front of the fan. Each fan type is installed according to the area of ​​use and user needs. In this regard, those in need can get support from ERF Group experts 24/7. Installation and service can also be done by the professional team.

The usage areas of radial and axial fans are expanding day by day. And product supply can be done with the assurance of the company. All fans are used in the ventilation system.

The working system of axial fans is in the axis direction depending on the pressure difference, while in radial fans the system is in the centrifugal direction. Fan groups are selected according to their working principles and purpose of use to obtain maximum efficiency. 

Details to Consider When Choosing a Fan

Fans are technological products used to provide access to healthy air. The highest performance can be achieved by selecting the device according to the user's needs and the area to be used. Axial fans with an axial ventilation system and radial fans operating with a centrifugal system cannot be used in the same areas.

Axial fans are used in vital areas such as industrial facilities and kitchens that require high suction power. Radial fans are used safely in important areas such as laboratories, workplaces, restaurants, and workshops.

When it comes to the points to consider when choosing a fan, first of all, it should be decided whether the air in the area needs to be pushed or pushed. Then, the most appropriate fan type for the area size is selected and the installation is carried out.

Axial fans can work as aspirators and fans. Therefore, they have a wider area of ​​use. Due to their working system, they can be used in gas plants with large air flows that are flammable and explosive.

Radial Fan and Axial Fan Usage Areas

Fans are devices used due to the developing technology and the increase in communal living spaces. The fan type and capacity decision selected according to each area need requires high engineering evaluation. For this reason, both technical support and installation can be done by receiving service from the ERF Group team.

In this case, which requires on-site detection and inspection, the work is carried out in accordance with the contract made between the user and the installer. Depending on the need, the most suitable type of radiant fan or axial fan is installed and put into service just in time.

Radial Fan Usage Areas

Radial fans are widely used as technological products with pushing and pulling features. First of all, it should be decided whether the air in the environment it will be in needs to be pulled or pushed. Then, the device capacity suitable for the area is selected and the operation is started. Among the places where radial fans are used;

  • Chimney systems,
  • Ventilation spaces in buildings,
  • Commercial areas,
  • Cooling towers,
  • Laboratories,
  • Restaurants.

Axial fans are installed depending on the thrust power. Axial fans produce high air flow rates. Due to this feature and because they are technical devices that work in the axial direction,

  • It is used safely in places requiring high suction power such as cooling towers,
  • Dusty areas,
  • Industrial kitchens requiring air suction power,
  • Foundries,
  • Industrial facilities,
  • Workshops.

Radial Fan and Axial Fan Working System

As high-tech devices, fans are devices that can provide quality life and healthy oxygen. They push dirty air where it is located and allow clean air to enter. Or, they can absorb particles in dusty and dirty environments and prevent harm to employees. Radial fan and axial fan types are selected according to user needs.

It is installed and put into use according to the technical evaluation made by professional experts. Fan types are used in dusty, explosive and flammable gas environments, kitchens where long hours are worked and cooling towers.

Where to Supply Axial Fans and Radial Fans?

The supply address of fan systems with a wide coverage area is also very important. As a high quality and maximum efficiency radial and axial fan supplier, the ERF Group website works as the most accurate address. Those in need can visit anytime and can obtain their axial fan and radial fan needs.

The most distinctive feature of the radial fan is its compatibility with chimney systems. Among the fans, axial wing type fans, propeller axial fans and guide cylinder type axial fans are used in low static pressure and large air flow rates. Axial fans are high efficiency fan types that are easy to install and do not require service and maintenance.

They have many advantages such as silent operation and energy efficiency. Radial fans are very safe products thanks to their metal and protected body. They are installed in a way that the highest efficiency can be obtained with the scales determined according to the area of ​​use.

It can be mounted on both walls and ceilings, and even on glass surfaces, as the installation area allows. Advanced technology products known as radial fans provide great energy efficiency to their users.

ERF Group Products

ERF Group has been providing service and high quality products to the sector for many years. High efficiency fan groups selected according to user needs and usage area are products that increase the quality of life. Fans are used in factories, industrial areas, cooling towers, even in flammable and explosive gas environments.

In this regard, ERF Group products are expanding their area of ​​use every day depending on customer satisfaction in the sector. ERF Group, which operates as a manufacturer and supplier, is the leader of the sector.

The company, which emphasizes quality and trust in its production, produces and offers air conditioning units, pump groups, primarily fan groups. It also continues its path with laser cutting bending systems, tower filling and foundry productions.

Radial Fan and Axial Fan Prices

Radial fans are most commonly used in water cooling towers. They are among the first choice products thanks to their model options, technical equipment and high efficiency. Axial fans are widely used due to their practical structure and ability to withstand temperatures up to 40 degrees Celsius.

It is seen that the energy efficiency of the axial fan is lower than the radial fan. Radial fans and axial fans are planned and installed according to the user's needs. The most secure supply address for high efficiency radial fans and axial fans is the ERF Group website, which operates 24/7.

Radial fans are metal-bodied, protected technology systems. They can be used in high-rise buildings, ventilation spaces, laboratory environments, restaurants and anywhere that requires a chimney system. In addition, fan types that can be used in different areas such as elevators and restaurants are of great importance.

Fans are products that can be used in low pressure, high pressure and medium pressure areas. Since the efficiency depends on the quality of the fan, ERF Group products stand out. The most obvious feature of radial and axial fans depends on the correct installation in the right place. Product and production quality is also an important factor.